Monday, July 13, 2009

more fun with friend emily

This is what happens when you point a camera at two toddlers and tell them to LAUGH:It got a little competitive, as usual. Originally we sat them on these cute toddler couches to watch The Wiggles. Brianna had never seen them before (nor had I). It's really a bizarre show. I don't really understand it. They must pay those grown men a lot $$$ to act like that. But Brianna seemed more interested in her friend than the screen. She copies everything emily does! They're so cute together.


Kristin, Scott, Emily and Eric said...

Cute girls. :) Sorry I didn't make it to the gym this morning even though I told you I would. Remodeling kind of well..SUCKS! Anywho, for what it's worth, I'm going to go there tonight... maybe just so I can take a shower!!!!!!

Debbie said...

The Wiggles will be in Spokane this weekend!

blm_mckell said...

I believe the Wiggles are the highest paid Austrialians.