Sunday, July 5, 2009

At our Gilliam friend's home today Brianna thought it'd be fun to stand UP on a little chair. Of course she fell off and face planted. We quickly started cheering and clapping, thinking we'd prevent a meltdown. It worked. She didn't cry. She just smiled at her applauses and got back on the chair to do it again.


Amy Hunter said...

You are an AWESOME mom!!! I always intend to do that, but I guess I'm wound a bit to tight because I'm always the first one to go, "Oh! Are you ok????" and then they realize they just did something scary and start bawling. I've got to work on that...

chelsea mckell said...

Amy - well then maybe your kids learn not to go do it again!

Mandy said...

It's amazing how much the parent's reaction influences the child's reaction! We did the same thing as you (cheering when they fell). I remember when Abigail was two or so, she fell down HARD and jumped up and said, "I'm o.k.!" It's nice not having a melt down for every little thing!

(although, may be good to teach her not to throw herslf off the chair for a reaction! :)