Saturday, January 10, 2009

Rent our home!

Major life change, folks: The McKells have decided to become fulltime Vernalites. We are the process of purchasing a new townhome in the Pheasant Glen neighborhood in Vernal, and are trying to rent out our home in Provo. All within the next 2 weeks. Yes, I AM overwhelmed with all the packing and paperwork to do. But optimistically anxious for the future.
I'm new to this whole landlord-gig. I've only been on the other end. And to be honest, I'm really dreading it. The thought of having to trust a stranger to take good care of my home and to not hose us financially makes me queasy.
How long will this be our status? Good question. If you find out the answer, let me know, cuz I sure have no idea. I wish I had a crystal-ball just as much as I wish Brianna came with an instruction manual.

Well - spread the word please - if anyone knows anyone who knows anyone that needs a rental home in Provo, send them our way.
Craiglist ad:
KSL ad:


Amanda said...

Good luck getting your house rented! I will keep an ear open for anyone who needs a rental in that area!
Dave's company is starting a new "branch" out in Vernal, so if he has to go out there maybe I will tag along so we can hang out you Vernalite!

Chelsea and Cody said...

I am shocked! I wasn't expecting this one. I hope that you guys are excited about this must like it up there! Don't worry about being a landlord...just make sure and take your time when you are picking a tenant. I have applicants fill out an application, I can email it to you if you want. As long as you are careful you will be fine. Make sure you have a contract written up as can look at mine if you want. Anyway, I will see if I know anyone, let me know if I can help.

Julie said...

I think this is the saddest day ever. I am bitter and don't want you to move!!! :( :( sniff sniff. What am I to do without my Hawaii buds?!!! I already feel lost in this world.... BUT my hats off to you and wish you tons and tons of peace love and happiness in Vernal. Are you sure you are not an oil rig driller dudet on the side? rackin in the dough??!!

I will spread the word if i come across anyone looking i will fo sho tell them about the COOLEST place to live!!

summer said...

Wow - that is a huge announcement! Way to make the jump for this change. I'll ask anyone in our program if they are looking....I know a great family that just settled on another place - a few weeks ago and your place would probably already be gone! Best of luck - hopefully we'll see you tomorrow at church to say goodbye, I mean see you later!

Mandy said...

O.K. so I have to ask . . . does this mean no swim lesson this summer? I am getting a little choked up here. I mean, I am all about not having the commute, but, I will be sad if we have to try to figure out new options for swim lessons this year . . . :(
Well, good for you guys!! Good luck! I would say keep in touch, but I can check you blog - HA HA!!

chelsea mckell said...

Amanda - PLEASE move out to vernal!! seriously, I would be the happiest vernalite in vernalworld.

Jules - thank you, that makes me feel good to be missed :) no worries, it's temp. I sometimes WISH I was an oil worker... then we could afford this move a heck of a lot easier! But Brianna would not be happy to hang out in vernal daycare all day. ewww, scary.

Summer - PLEASE do spread the word!! I would love to have a nice MBA fam rent from us.