Saturday, July 31, 2010

New family members have arrived!

They're so cute!
Easy to maintain, too - I only have to feed them twice a week, and never have to clean them.
Brianna's totally in love. She's named them Tad and Lily.
They were delivered mid-day by FedEx - but just left on my doorstep in the heat! Good thing I found them before they fried!
Can we get a warm welcome for the two newest McKells:
Hymenochirus boettgeri, aka African Dwarf Frogs. I won them from a blog giveaway from a company called Wild Creations. The little tank is an ecoaquarium, so it never has to be cleaned! Tuesdays and Fridays they each get one little pellet, of which we were given a year's worth. They'll live for up to 5 years and won't breed. Pretty sure there never existed an easier pet.
Favorite part: their weird floating habit when in the water - their Zen position. With arms and legs outstretched and one foot balancing, it’s as if these frogs are meditating on some sublime aspect of amphibious life. Or just reminiscing their previous life as a prince. Technically, this habit is called “burbling.”



Malerie said...

Very cool! Love the low maintenance. I'm going to have to look into those when we get pets.

Unknown said...

I like that kind of pet! I would almost have a pet if we had something like them!

Julie said...

that is my kind of pet for sure! p.s. so some old friends of mine from my home town pinetop said they knew you guys! Her name is Rachel and her husband worked for ERAC in St. George and said he met you guys...not sure of his name or her last name though hahaha so maybe that does not help at all. I think they are now in idaho with ERAC. anyways i haven't seen her in ages - like since i was like 13 or something...

Julie said...

meant to ask if you knew who i was talking about with my brief description? lol!

chelsea mckell said...

Julie - yep, that's the Hohmanns! Small world. They're an awesome couple. Her husband is a good friend and colleague to Brian. They were pretty brave to leave St. G and head out to Idaho. I just hope that doesn't give Brian any ideas!! They have a blog. It's private, but I can give you her email address so you can request an invite if you want.