Saturday, July 3, 2010

thank you, Brianna-the-bookworm.

Why is it so heart warming when you see your child sitting down reading a stack of books? Even if they're obviously not actually reading, or even have the books facing the correct way...
Seriously, is it just innate? Or has society just pounded into us that reading+child = good parent... ? I don't know. I just know that it honestly gives me a huge thrill every time I find her next the couch with her stack of books, or hear her in her room "reading" when she's supposed to be asleep... I don't even care that she makes a big mess and stays up way too late.
She's validating me.


Megan Smith said...

I think it's because reading + child= quiet child :)

Sally Jackson said...

I loved books growing up and still do. I hope my kids pick up on that--it is such a positive thing to do. Yeah Brianna!

Malerie said...

I agree with you. Something about them loving books makes you feel successful. Have you read "The Read Aloud Handbook" by Jim Trelease? (Not that you have or will have extra time) but it was given to us and is pretty cool. It talks about the research/study and importance of reading to kids and strategies and tips to help them become avid readers and how that impacts their life later. In the back it also gives book suggestions by age.