Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Brianna's love-hate canine relationship

She claims she adores dogs.
Yet they get close and she freaks out.
She begs them to come back.
Then screams at them to get away.
Case in point:
While dog-sitting our neighbor/friend's Labrador named Dakota, Brianna pleaded with me nearly every minute of the day to go see "koota." So we'd go over, start playing in the backyard, then Brianna would run up the slide yelling, "koota, come slide wif me!"

Dakota obeyed and headed up the slide after her. But poor dog... as soon as Brianna was safely up high away from her, Brianna shrieks at the big puppy: "NO! YOU CAN'T GET ME! MOMMY HELP! GO 'WAY KOOTA!"

And this is why we may never have any other pets other than our frogs.

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