Friday, July 30, 2010


I never planned on putting Brianna in preschool. Especially not this early. I mean - pay someone to teach her letters and numbers and do craft projects?! I can handle that on my own, thankyouverymuch. Plus my mom informed me years ago that I was her only child who never attended preschool. And obviously I turned out the smartest, most successful, and most humble. So there - no preschool needed. I would just keep my little buddy with me all day until she's old enough for kindergarten (which I've also thought about attempting to do on my own - yep, homeschool. But ultimately I know I won't do it. I'm too selfish. I want those 6 hours of daytime freedom to pursue my other ambitions!) But then our neighbor and good friend Michelle decided to start up a relatively informal preschool. It's her first time, so Brianna's somewhat of a guinea pig. There's just 3 kids, and it's only 3 days/wk, 2 hours each time. I was still a little hesitant, but then I realized I'm having twins. Two babies to take care of all by myself all day long. Brianna NEEDS to get out more than I'll be able to take her! So this is perfect. I don't have to drive anywhere or worry about anything bad happening to her.
I really never thought I'd be one of those moms who got all choked up when their "baby" went to school for the first time. But I did. And I had to document her entire journey there.
Obligatory picture by the front door wearing backpack and pigtails:
I told Brianna she would be learning about LETTERS at Michelle's house, so my quirky little child insisted on bringing her Leap Frog letter magnets in her backpack:
Excitedly walking the two blocks to preschool:
  Anxiously waiting in front of Michelle's house:
Being welcomed in by Miss Michelle:

Here are a few pictures from various activities they've done. Brianna gets so excited to come home everyday and show me what she's made. Each day's activities centers around an alphabet letter. Fortunately, Michelle runs a blog called FunOnADime, so I could steal these photos off of it:

To be honest, it makes me a tiny bit sad that my little girl has so much fun without me there. It's like I'm missing a little part of her life. But that has to happen eventually, right? I mean, I can't go off to college with her... (unless she goes to BYU-Hawaii, then I'm definitely tagging along). I'm grateful we have such a fun and convenient program going on here!


Debbie said...

You captured something absolutely amazing! Actually, I regretted not sending you to preschool - so we went to college with you!

Marilyn said...

Brianna looks so grown up. Sounds like a great place for her first experience in school.

Becky and Brian said...

I know I will eventually put Dean in preschool. It looks like she is having fun!

Unknown said...

If Addison could count correctly, then she would be counting down the days until she gets to go to preschool.
I can't believe all the hair Brianna has. It seems just like yesterday that I put a tiny little clip in her barely there hair. She is really quite cute!

the Gardners said...

Geesh, what a great picture of me! I thought I was out of the picture. Ha, ha! My curly hair is starting to make me feel like I'm a hippi sometimes!

Julie said...

if she goes to BYU Hawaii I'm tagging along too - my kid or not! :)

Unknown said...

I love the picture by the front door with backpack and piggy tails. I cried when I dropped Abby off at preschool for the first time. ANd it was just a joyschool program so I was her teacher the next week.