Monday, October 25, 2010

Desperate times call for....

Letting baby nap in the swing, facing the wall, with a blanket over top to keep it dark.
Not my first choice.
First choice is for baby to be sleeping on my chest, while I'm reclined, blissfully co-napping with soft music in the background...
But that just doesn't happen with 3-under-3-versus-1. 
In Chelsea's-perfect-world, the babies would both be sleepy and wakeful at the same hours - with all sleepy hours in the dark and wakeful hours during daylight - and simply close their eyes and drift off when I laid them down next to each other in one crib...
But - HA! No, on this particular day, Courtney had gone down for their afternoon nap easily, but Bennett had been up longer and was just fighting the droopy eyes. I begged him to give in. Just sleep. SLEEP. C'mon - I want sleep like a fat kid wants cake - can't YOU want it that bad too?!  But no... nothing would work. I wore him in my Mei-tai. Then the ring sling. We rocked. We bounced. We nursed. We swaddled and swayed to the ocean-waves noise machine. Finally I broke my own rules. He got buckled into the ol' Graco and fussed less than a minute before dozing off.
I prayed the batteries would hold out for a couple hours.

1 comment:

Snowwhite said...

I can relate to that for sure. Survival is key often with twins and my girls would almost only nap with swings early on. I hated it too, but it passed & I got them on track eventually. A happy mom makes for happy children so just do the best you can.