Wednesday, November 11, 2009

She's not even two yet

Brianna showed a different side of herself today.... I've never seen her behave so poorly.
We hungout at her friend Emily's house today while her mom went to a doc appointment. Emily is about 6 months older than Brianna. My little {a-hem} angel spent most of the two hours yelling MINE! MINE! as she grabbed Emily's toys and books and snacks. Emily was no pushover - she defended her turf and shouted MINE! back. But more politely than Brianna, and not half as belligerent. And when I played with Emily or picked her up, Brianna would start crying out, "MY MOMMY! NO!" Fortunately Emily has lots of toys, so I could distract Brianna with something other than what Emily was playing with. And there were a few moments of congeniality - like when Emily was helping Brianna learn her letters. And when they took turns kissing Emily's dolls. I've seen Brianna have little conniptions before - but never this long & loud. I swear I heard MINE no less than 872 times.
AND THEN... to add to the fun .... we stopped at Albertsons on the way home (partly because Brianna was yelling "GO SHOPPING PEEZ!") and she showed me that her behavior at Emily's had actually been pretty mild. Wiggling her way out of those cart-seats (the seatbelts are worthless) and "re-organizing" the store. As we walked by the bakery she started an endless squealing of COOKIESPEEZCOOKIESPEEZCOOKIESPEEZ. If she had just asked once nicely I might have let her. But I didn't want to reward the show she put on. So we hurried to the back for their chicken sale (notice how grocery stores put all the staples on opposite sides of the store? Evil) and she managed to get out of her seat. I gave in and let her walk next to me. I had my eyes off her for a few moments and turned around to find her in the candy bins. Literally - IN the bins - both hands, and her head. I felt like mom-of-the-year right then. You can only imagine the tantrum she threw as I grabbed her out of the bins and put her IN the cart - not the child seat area. Her entire body went stiff and heavy as she arched her back and let out the most fake cry I've ever heard her produce. Ever. Honestly - she's usually pretty good at the store. Her nap must have been too short today. Or she's possessed.
So I rushed to the checkout - avoiding the stares of the other shoppers (not even sympathetic ones - totally judgmental -
like why can't you control your child). I got Brianna out of the cart - still crying out her demands - so I could pay. She wriggled out of my arms and I had to let her go so I could open my purse. She took the two second opportunity to grab at a pack of mentos mints and chomp into the package. Like an alligator - straight through, getting at least two of them (with the wrapper fragments) into her mouth. I had two thoughts - crap, now I have to buy that and well at least that will keep her quiet for another 45 seconds so I can get out of here.
A kind employee handed Brianna a decorated mini-pumpkin as we left. She immediately started furiously ripping the fuzzy hair off of it.

Someone's going to bed early tonight.



Sarah said...

I remember my dismay when Ezra pulled those tricks...nobody ever told me it was a stage, and that they outgrow it.

Why is our society so anti-child?

Unknown said...

I totally feel sympathetic towards you. It is so embarrassing when they act like that! Addison put on a show for us today, but not nearly as bad as Brianna. I am SO sorry!!!

Becky and Brian said...

Yikes! Not looking forward to that stage!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to say I found this very comical. I can relate TOTALLY!!! and I'm glad i'm not the only one.

TO those judgmental shoppers: we are good moms, so a little patience please!

DeAnne said...

I was also laughing...a supportive, understanding laugh. I also find it irritating when people look at you like you're a criminal when you are struggling with your kids. The worst is when you obviously could use and extra hand and NO ONE offers it.

Dan and Anne said...

I wish people would just ignore the tantrums... when they stare it just makes me want to scream!!! Hopefully this will be the only one your sweet little girl will ever perform! :) Crossing my fingers...

Marilyn said...

Welcome to the terrible two's (early). I was so frustrated one day at the mall when Melanie, as a two-year-old, had a screaming tantrum. She would buckle her feet if I would try to make her walk. I thought I would never get her out of there!

Sam and Melissa said...

Oh you have me laughing. I can just picture that. You are going to love reading these posts once she's all grown up.

jocelyn said...

my favorite part is brianna ripping the hair off of the pumpkin.

i really try to ignore tantrums when i see them going down in public, but i hate when i hear parents making empty threats, like, "that's it, you are so grounded" or, "when i count to three you are getting a spanking" and then they count to three and nothing happens (although i don't really want to watch someone spank their child in public either though).

summer said...

I find this funny as well - because we go through it all the time here. In fact, we had a few of these today with my own precious angels! It's something that we as parents are going to struggle with for quite awhile, some stages/ages just peak and then thankfully some fall. This is great you documented it....only way it could have been better was if you had videoed (how DO you spell that?) it so you can show her when she's older. She of course will be so embarrassed she ever acted that way, but not like she knows she's amazing how some people forget they ever had children of their own, or that they were children and had their own tantrums!

You are doing great....keep at it!!

Mandy said...

:( Been there, it's NO FUN! We still have shopping trips like that, but as soon as someone starts acting up, I leave, even if I've bought nothing. I'll go back after Andy's home! I do most of my shopping at night anyway!! :)