Monday, November 2, 2009

"MESSSS outside"

That's what Brianna said when she looked out the window last Thursday morning. It had snowed all night. Before it melted away, we had some fun in the backyard:


Marilyn said...

Cute, cute!

Meredith said...

Gee, she is really quite blond. I think she needed another jacket!

Unknown said...

Haha! That is too funny that she said it was messy outside, because Addison said the exact same thing to me! Too bad we couldn't play out in it because she was sick. I'm glad that you take the time to play with Brianna! She will always remember this!

the Gardners said...

No worries! I just wanted you to know that sister didn't get sick until about 30 min to 1 hr after you called. And at the time it was just a fever and I thought it was teething until I saw how hot it was a few hours later.

Mandy said...

Love the snow! (just not driving in it!) My girls are the same way, they love to play in it! They can't wait for it to be on the ground all winter long!!