Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Finally.... she GOT it!

We've been working with Brianna on identifying colors for months now. Actually, probably a whole year. She's been calling everything RED when asked what color it is. A week ago she started saying everything was YELLOW. I didn't know if that was progress or not.

But TODAY....

We were in a parking lot, and she started correctly naming the colors of the cars I pointed to! She told me one car was yellow, another green, a red one, and then pointed up at the sky and said, "BOO sky!" I was so surprised - she's never done this! It's like something finally clicked - I felt like I could see a new-found understanding in her face as she answered my questions.
We spent much of the day working on other colors - she improperly identified many (called white yellow, black blue, brown red, etc) but I think it's better than everything being RED.

I taught swimming lessons for 9 years and my favorite part was when a child finally "GOT it" - when that light-bulb clicked on and they mastered a skill they had been struggling with. I loved the feeling of sharing that excitement with them.

Experiencing that same feeling as a mom is a bazillion times better.


Malerie said...

I guess all that repetition does pay off and these little headstrong girls do really pay attention :) Congratulations Brianna! What a smart little girlie.

Marilyn said...

Brianna is a bright little girl. She is daily learning so much. Isn't it fun to watch them grow!

Mary said...

How exciting! :)

Unknown said...

That is great! She is such a smart little girl. I think there are some colors that are hard. For the longest time, Addison thought purple was blue. And she still gets confused with grey. I think it is brilliant that Brianna is so young and gets it.

Mandy said...

Congrats! That is awesome! :) Great job Brianna!!