Tuesday, November 24, 2009

From the mouth of my babe, part 2

-Today I came into the kitchen to find Brianna with oatmeal all over herself. She looked at me with a serious face and said, "IZ OATMEAL TIME!"

-I've been trying to teach her the difference between boys and girls. She's doing pretty well - it's fun to hear her say, "Nonny GIRL. Papa BOY. Daddy BOY. Mommy GIRL. Brianna GIRL." Occasionally she'll put the words IS A in between, when I remind her.

-One of the attendants at the Child Care at Gold's told me that Brianna sat at the table coloring and singing the Sunbeam song over and over.

-At the store today, she was sitting in her basket and we passed a little boy with his mom. They were walking the opposite direction of us and she yelled at him, "C'MEER BOY! C'MEEEEERRR! BOY!"

-She had an accident today and didn't quite make it to the potty. I didn't scold her, but I talked to her about what she did wrong and how we're going to do it differently next time. She got mad at me and yelled, "PUT DIAPER BACK ON!"

-While we were out doing errands, she called two different men DADDY. That's always awkward.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

So cute about the wanting her diaper back on!!

Oh, and my girls STILL call other men daddy . . . when they see someone who looks like Andy . . . ya, it's a little strange! :) (Like when they thought another preschool kids dad was theirs . . . )