Friday, December 10, 2010


I'm totally obsessed with The Biggest Loser. I watch it every week religiously on Wednesdays (since we don't have TV - thank goodness for Hulu). It usually takes me all day to watch the episode, because I have to press pause so often. I watch it while I feed my babies so I'm burning calories right along with the contestants. Brian's always so surprised when he comes home on lunch breaks and after work and sees me parked in front of the screen, asking him to please refrain from unnecessary conversation. He doesn't understand - IT'S MY SHOW! It's as real to me as the idiot neighbors behind us who leave their doors wide open 24/7 hoping their cigarette smoke won't damage their childrens' lungs. If I met the contestants, I'd totally feel like I already knew them and I'd start giving them game-playing tips. I often fantasize about becoming obese just so I can join that show and do all the fun challenges. And win them. All of them. And the whole show with the quarter-million prize. I would dominate. I really want to join a biggest loser competition specifically for post-natal bfing moms with 10-20 pounds to lose. There's lotsa others out there, right?  Predictions for the *finaleeee* this week:
-Patrick will be THE biggest loser. His wife will cry. He will cry too. Lots of criers.
-Rick will win the at-home $100 G. Think about it - he was really short and excessively obese. Odds are on his side.
-Elizabeth will still be fat but think she's skinny and act really stupid, blowing kisses to her non-supportive boyfriend who's just using her to be famous too.
-Alli will be wearing a really weird non flattering outfit.
-Bob will come out of the closet.
-Frado will look super duper skinny and his wife super duper hot. He's already loaded so he won't care that he came in a close 2nd.
-Burgandy will be dressed modestly. Because she's a Zionite and knows modest is hottest. She will be an inspiration to all the overweight mormon moms out there. 
-Brendan's ex-wife will take him back.
-Lisa will look goooooorrrrgeous.
-Jesse and Jessica will hook up.
-The show will tie in their "paying it forward" theme in some extremely heartwarming way.
-I will not be answering my phone Tuesday night because I know my sister Lindsay is going to try to ruin the surprise for me since she gets to watch the finale live.
-Lindsay and I will spend Wednesday night on the phone, analyzing the entire show and talking smack about everyone we don't like.
-My babies might get a little fatter because I will just sit and feed them for 2 hours straight so I don't have to press pause.
-I will mourn the loss of my weekly guilty pleasure - and the only television show on the planet worth sacrificing my limited time and energy for - until season 11 begins.


Unknown said...

now i wish I had cable!

chelsea mckell said...

I don't think you have to have cable - it's just on NBC.

Unknown said...

without some sort of cable, we don't get any channels whatsoever

Julie said...

love your predictions hahaha - i couldn't of said it better. I watch this show too - I dvr it and watch while i'm feeding capri too - it takes me a couple of days lol :)

Anderson Family said...

Chelsea, I love this show! I think you predictions are right on. I dont know if you like to watch it the next day, but here is a website that you can watch it tonight live. =) Scroll down the page til you find Biggest looser on NBC.

Whitney said...

I love this show too Chelsea! It is the best and your predictions are soo true! Season 11 looks awesome, I am so excited. I watch it while I fold the laundry after Alana goes to bed.

Becky said...

So, I'm also a BIG fan of the Biggest Loser but, I totally didn't watch this season...I totally just missed it...sorta forgot! And sorta put it off. Weird huh?

I used to watch it on Hulu when we lived in Nebraska because we didn't have TV and like you, I would pause about 100 times before I got through a show.

Currently, we have TV because we live with my in-laws right now. But, I never saw a commercial for it, because I don't watch that much TV so I wasn't reminded that it was on. And we still watch shows on hulu in our bed at night (cuddled together, TMI right?) but still didn't realize it was going on. Nate doesn't like to watch it and once I realized I was missing the season I just couldn't justify 2 hours of a week in my in-laws house during the day.

I missed it though and I'm going to make a special effort to watch next season (in January). I read in a magazine that it will be Jillian's last season. Sad. I really like her. I watched a few of her Losing it with Jillian shows. She says she's taking a year off from TV to focus on being a mommy and doing more charity work. I didn't know she wanted to be a mommy...maybe she's looking to adopt. Once I read an article that quoted her as saying something like she would never have a baby because of how harsh it is on the body, her body.

Well, I guess I could type about this all day but, I'll stop.

You're welcome for the lengthy random comment. And better late than never.