Wednesday, December 1, 2010

4 months *coughcough*

One of the aspects of our medical system I loathe is that it's so difficult (if not impossible) to actually SPEAK TO the DOCTOR. I don't want to discuss medical issues with the receptionist. Or even a nurse. I want to ask my questions to the guy with the degree. And it's really annoying that they always want me to make an appointment and fork out a big co-pay just to do that. I understand that's the only way the doc can make his big bucks, but when it's just one simple little issue... you'd think he could benevolently sacrific a couple minutes.
But I found a way around this problem... just call the Pediatrician office at 2am! An operator answers, then transfers ya right to the doctor! Unfortunately, Dr. Burrows was a little groggy... but he kindly and patiently talked to me for about 15 minutes and helped me figure out why Bennett was making weird noises. He also agreed to come in to the office early so we could be the first ones in. Before hanging up he said, "I don't even know what time it is. But I'll see ya when the sun comes up." Swell guy.
So we brought the whole crew in and Bennett got treatment for croup. I'm so grateful it wasn't RSV or anything else more serious. His little croup case was pretty mild. But I get paranoid every time my kids sneeze that they'll end up on ventilators in the hospital.
Courtney hasn't been sick at all, and neither has Brianna nor I. So the finger of blame is pointed at the man who shakes hands and shares pens and steering wheels with diseased customers all day. He tried to redeem himself by taking a few hours off to help me with this Pediatrician visit and get the kids settled at home. I think it's painful for him to take time off. Brian seriously loves working! I'm not resentful at all - I know it's better than the opposite!
 Brianna was also very helpful at the clinic. She rubbbed Courtney's head and said, "you're ok. It's alright" after she had the ever-traumatic and painful scheduled immunizations. Brianna's very geniunely sweet and loving to her little siblings at times. I hate those darn shots. I almost always get teary eyed while holding my babies as they get poked. I sometimes wish I was one of those anti-immunization hippies, banking on herd immunity to keep my kids healthy.
But I'm not. I'm a [ahem] Master of Public Health (ha!) So we get immunized, breastfeed forever, wash our hands, exercise, and drink our chlorinated water with joy. But I still cry when my babies hurt.
I didn't even mean for this to be their official 4 month checkup. But while we were there getting Bennett some help... I just asked the doc if this could count. He hesitated (perhaps realizing a lost visit means a slightly lower paycheck?) but said ok. So the babies were weighed. Bennett is 12 lb, 13 oz  (14th percentile). Courtney is a few ounces less than him.  We didn't do their lengths (heights?) or the silly head circumference thing. I just wanted to get outta there.
Brianna was quite thrilled with the whole trip though. She loves the fish tank and toys and books at the clinic.
And I think she really enjoys anytime our whole family is together somewhere.  I do too.  Even in these circumstances.

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