Saturday, December 27, 2008

First steps!

I didn't believe Brian when he told me a few weeks ago that Brianna took some solo steps. Nor did I believe my dad yesterday when he also informed me of her feat. But today, my doubting eyes witnessed the milestone. I just sat there, stunned, as she ventured away from a table leg into the vast abyss of the kitchen floor. Obviously, no pictures yet. But as soon as I pick my jaw up off the ground and set up a hidden camera (since babies like to stop performing as soon as they see that thing), I will post proof for any other doubters out there. In the meantime, this post is just for posterity's sake (since I'm quite likely to forget, as I have noticed that other moms can't remember the timelines of their children's development milestones....hmmm, I wonder if that says anything about it's level of importance?! :)


Brandon and Kim said...

Fun early walkers we have. So much fun, cant wait to see you wednesday. Hope you have fun in Spokane. I do miss the town at times.

Marilyn said...

Way to go, Brianna!! I will look forward to future photos of the solo walking.

Mandy said...

YEAH BRIANNA! I think that the fact that moms can't remember dates of milestones says more about the brain of a mommy . . . lacking sleep!!!