Friday, December 14, 2012

A day for hugging my babies

I stayed with Brianna til she fell asleep tonight, rubbing her back and singing her songs. It's been a day full of holding her close and trying not to cry in front of her. With her being almost Kindergarten age, I keep thinking of what it's like for those poor parents who don't have their Kindergartners to tuck into bed tonight.  I remember in High School, hearing about the Columbine shootings. Then in college, hearing about the shootings at the UofA, then last year in Norway. And some others. It's just so insane. So tragic. So scary. I can't imagine what things will be like when my little ones are adults. I just know I'm going to try harder to enjoy each moment with my kids, and keep them as safe as I can.

PS - I just love Brianna's fleece bed spread. It's a quilt my 89 yr old Grandma stitched together, just about a month ago. She told me not to tell any of my cousins/siblings, so they wouldn't get jealous or expect her to do the same for them.  So on the slim chance they're reading this... sorry. Tough luck - I'm her favorite.  :)

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