Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Men are wussies.

Bennett and Courtney both got sick earlier in the week. Some sort of very short-lived flu or virus or stomach bug. Maybe food poisoning, cuz there was no fever. Just diarrhea and a couple pukies.  So gross to clean up.  But here we are at Smith's photo center, where I was working on ordering some photos, and Bennett fell totally asleep right at my feet. Courtney and Brianna were happily playing in the drop-in childcare  (I LOVE SMITHS DROP-IN CHILDCARE!!) but Bennett.... sweet little Bennett.... wouldn't leave me. He was still exhausted from being sick earlier in the week. Courtney? Totally over it and back to normal by the next day. But my little boy... obviously takes after his Daddy, who also doesn't tolerate sickness well  (though to his credit, he rarely rarely rarely gets sick - hasn't missed a day of work due to illness EVER. That's right - EVER).  
But, as usual, there are some perks to having sick kids.... lots and lots of cuddle time!  LOVED IT!