Saturday, March 21, 2009


Believe it or not, we're STILL in the process of moving. It's been over a year since we're had all our belongings in one location.
But we're getting close now.
Just a few more weekend trips to Spanish Fork/Salem (Brian's parents have homes there - free storage!) and we'll be done.
We feel quite proficient in the art of efficient space utilization. You wouldn't believe how much we can cram in Brian's rentals.

But one thing I have to remember when packing the vehicle: leave room for the baby:
p.s. - you may have noticed Brianna pictures frequently feature "the bottle" [scarymusicsoundeffect: dun,dun,dunnnn] yeahyeah - I know she should be off it by now... well she's not. She likes it. We like it. We brush her teeth consistently. So we're not stopping. Take that, APA.

p.p.s. did reading the title of this post conjure thoughts of anything besides MOVING to anyone? Fess up - I won't tell.


Unknown said...

Love this picture! We've had to do this on many car trips. I think she's fine with the bottle, people can be really paranoid but kids turn out fine.

Briett said...

I'm still nursing if it makes you feel any better and he sleeps with us most of the time. I just say I'll do better with the next one...I hope.

Mandy said...

K, the title made me think about NOTHING else, until I read your comment and had to think about what you meant . . . THANKS for THAT!!

Oh, and I don't see anything wrong with the bottle!! I think we didn't do away with them all the way until the girls were like 2. Maybe a little younger . . . it's all a blur! I agree, people are a little paranoid, but look how many kids have things they aren't supposed to for to long and turn out fine!! (If it makes you feel any better, my niece is 4 and my sister still lets her have her pacifier!! THAT is crazy!!)