Sunday, October 19, 2008

Homemade baby mush

The store-bought baby food mush is ridiculously expensive.
I figured I could make the same thing at home.
Step 1: gather the veggies. If using canned, be sure to get the unsalted variety. When possible, buy organic.
Step 2: stick it in the blender. Today the menu consisted of carrots, spinach, peas, and beans. mmmmmm....I know your mouth is watering just thinking of it.
Step 3: pulvarize it. A little water and/or smashing down may be needed
Step 4: taste test it on the babe.
Step 5: Rinse the babe off (at least that's what I have to do. Brianna is a messy eater. Or maybe I'm a messy feeder).
Step 6: Pour in ice cube trays, freeze it, then fill freezer bag with veggie cubes.
VIOLA! Before I go to bed, I take out a few cubes and put them in a bowl to thaw in the fridge. Then it's ready to feast on the next day.


Chelsea and Cody said...

Good work you homemaker! I am proud...In like 10 years when I have a kid I will refer to this post for wonderful instruction and inspiration.

Amy Hunter said...

Chelsea, You are brilliant! I used to make my boys baby food too, but I never thought of freezing it! I'm going to do that with Asher! Thank you!

Debbie said...

No steam the veggies?

Dan and Anne said...

Great idea! I've wanted to make my own but veggies are getting so expensive right now... I didn't think of trying to used the canned stuff. Maybe we should get the kids together for a homemade date?

chelsea mckell said...

mom- no steam. not needed. especially if Im in Provo and can use the vitamix. And I think steaming kills some of the nutrients in certain veggies. Brianna needs her antioxidants.

Allison said...

Wow. What a great idea. Did you get the recipe from someone else or did you just make it up?

cameron said...

AWESOME!!! So domestic!!!!

Ivy Lou said...

Ahhhhhh! What a cutie you have there. Good job making the babyfood! that was one of my favorite things! It's fun to experiment on them!

Megan Smith said...

great job Chelsea! As she gets older and eats more you can freeze yummins in muffin trays, for about a 1/2 cup portion. I love using the flexible trays (silicone? is that what it is?) because you can pop them out so easy. You just have to first put it on a cookie sheet so it doesn't spill on the way to the freezer. (true story?)

Crystal and Jordan said...

look you so mother like!!!