Sunday, October 12, 2008

Attempted plum theft

Last night before we went to bed, I really felt like I should go get the mail. Odd huh - especially since it was freezing outside and we don't usually get a lot of mail on Saturdays.
As I walked barefoot and in jammies out the front door and onto the driveway, I suddenly looked over to see a guy opening our car door. He was wearing a huge silver puffy jacket, baggy jeans, and he had dark hair. I froze. He saw me; he froze. Then I screamed "BRIAN! BRIAN!" The thief sprinted away and I ran back into the house. Brian thought I was joking at first when I came rushing in, shaking. I told him to call 9-1-1; someone was trying to break into our car. We did, then he bravely went out to survey the area (retrospectively I realize that wasn't the smartest thing to do). A cop arrived (random trivia - do you know what COP stands for? Constable On Patrol). He did a report, then we all checked out the car together. He shined his flashlight on the backseat and said "well, good thing he didn't get the fruit!" (I had a box of plums in there).

The story isn't over. Around 11:15pm, he knocked on our door again, asking me to COME IN HIS CAR to identify the suspect! ahhhhhhh! Never been in the back of a police car before. At least not that my parents know about. So I got in and we drove around the corner where another officer had a kid standing there. Honestly, I had no idea whether it was the same one. He had a different outfit on, and the hair looked different. I really didn't get a good look at the face the first time. So I said no. I just wanted to go to bed. Not that I could...
I was nervous about the theif returning for the plums.


Unknown said...

Wow! Who said Vernal isn't exciting?!

Malerie said...

This is a most terrifying story. I don't think I would sleep for nights! Good luck with that! I'm glad you followed your prompting though.

Becky and Brian said...

I am glad that nobody got hurt! I would be so scared!

Amanda said...

Holy cow, that is so scary! Good thing you are tough from growing up on the streets of Spokompton! Next time take your plums inside for goodness sakes!

Allison said...

SCARY!!! Way to be brave. Keep your house doors locked I guess.

Chelsea and Cody said...

Chalk up another awesome story from Chelsea. (But seriously, I would have cried!)

valmike said...

I was once in the parking lot of a 7-11 while it was being robbed! Good ole Michigan. I'm glad that no one was hurt. -VAL

Amy Hunter said...

Chelsea! I'm so glad you were okay! Thank goodness it was probably just a stupid teenager and not some hardened criminal or there could have been trouble! Funny how you "suddenly remembered" to go get the mail.

Becky said...

Forget the plums! Catching a thief in the act is my worst nightmare!!! Scary!

Julie said...

whew!!! I'm glad that was the reason you were in the back of the cop car and not because you and brian are secerltey growing weed underneath those huges leaves in your backyard! That was a close one!!

Seriously tho - wo! You caught a theif in the scary..and odd...and nerve racking...I would of done the same as you! Did they take anything? we glad you are ok!!

oh and way to go on the BBQ - you know how to win friends!!

Tia Langston said...

Thank goodness the plums are ok!!!!

jocelyn said...

Vernal is really going down hill huh? It's nice a cop actually came. I know two people here who have had their cars broken into, gotten the license plate of the person who did it, and the cops wouldn't come...i thik there are bigger fish to fry here. not that your plums aren't big fish.