Saturday, November 20, 2010

Smith time

Another photo text from my brother in Seattle. Another smile on my face.
Aren't they cute?!   :)
I seriously can't wait... just a few more weeks until we're in Washington and I get to see my parents, some nieces and nephews, and possibly 80% of my siblings.  YAY!  If only we could skip the plane ride... I really don't want TSA patting down my children and stealing my nail file. Gotta love big government, keeping us safe from.... our constitutional rights.... (I won't get into a political soapbox, even though this current issue really upsets me. I've been listening to a lot of Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck talk radio lately :)


Megan Smith said...

:D and Kiya's saying "Where did all these brothers come from?!"

DeAnne said...

I want to hear your political soapbox :)

Jordan and Crystal said...

love fox...