Saturday, November 27, 2010

From Brianna's mouth lately...

- "Daddy, turn the light ON! You can turn light on, or go to TIME OUT! It's your choice."
- "Mommy, you my mother. Daddy is my sister."
- "Bennett, you're not my sister anymore!"
- "Mommy go in your cage."
-"C'mon puppy - let's go to the Promised Land!"
- "I ready to go on airplane and see Nonny now!"
-[pointing to junk food in a vending machine] "I think that not good food for you. I think it not make your body move."
- "Bennett, you would like some bird seed?"
-"Hey Bennett dude give me knuckles"
-"Waaah! Waaah! I need a binky right NOW!"
- "My tummy hurts from food."
- "I changed my mind!"  [not said in the correct context - just randomly exclaimed]
- "Mommy, you been a good girl. You get treat."
- "Oh Courtney, don't cry. You can be happy. Just TRY! Give me a smile, will you please?"
- Me- "Brianna will you please hold my hand?"  Brianna- "No thankyou. I will hold my own hand."


Unknown said...

Super funny, makes me cry.

Natalia said...

She cracks me up!

Debbie said...

You are so smart to write these down. I know that YOU said cute things - just can't quite remember them!