Wednesday, September 18, 2013


See that little face in the closet?
That would be Courtney.

She often goes in there and taunts me with, "hey moooomy....say 'where's my Courtney.' Say it. SAY IT!"

She wants me to pretend like she's lost, and become very concerned, and search everywhere, til finally finding her in the closet, then laugh hysterically with her.

     Totally reasonable request.

   Especially when I'm on the phone or otherwise tied up in a project.

  But I comply, knowing the consequence for insubordination is highly undesirable on many levels.

1 comment:

Hohmann Family said...

My kids do this too! Andrew's latest is to flush the toilet and then yell (so I can hear it anywhere in the house) "MOMMY, MOMMY! Did you hear that, hear that, hear that????" and I have to respond.