Saturday, March 29, 2014

Out with the old, in with the new - BLANKIE!

From birth to age 5, Brianna had a strong attachment to her white fuzzy blanket. Well, it started off white and fuzzy. It got worse and worse as time went on. I would sneak it away to wash it whenever I could, but it got tattered and smelly and gray. But she loved it the same. So very much. Looking back, I realize her attachment to this object might have been a consequence of my early misguided efforts to parent differently than I do now (darn those babywise - babyunwise - books!!) If only I could go back and tell my first-time-mom-self what to stop worrying about. Like everything. And just enjoy my baby.
Anyway, so over these 5 yrs of blankie obsession, many attempts have been made to rid her of the gross looking blanket. Her grandma McKell offered many many times to take her shopping for a new one. Or sew her a new one. She tried to tell her how yucky the old blankie was and how pretty a new one would be. Brianna always stood her ground and defended HER blanket. And I had her back. I would've let her take that thing to college if it made it that long (the seams were coming apart). Again, probably because I felt guilty the attachment even happened. Ugh. Those baby books need a disclaimer addendum, "warning: you might look back at these unnatural approaches to sleeping and sorely regret being unresponsive to your child's needs."
SO - the shock of all shocks came when one day, a few months ago, Brianna announced she wanted to get a new blanket! I didn't believe her. The next day, again, she asked to go shopping for a new blankie. And again the next day.
I tested her, "okaaaay, but then we'd have to get rid of your old blankie."
She said that was fine.
Part of me was elated - no more nasty blanket in my home!! No more trying to bleach it and seeing it drug everywhere and watching it get grosser.
Another part of me was crushed. My baby is growing up!!
So we went to the child clothing section at Smith's and found this cute fuzzy animal print blanket. $9.
Brianna helped me cut the old blanket into rags. She showed no remorse.
She's definitely not a baby anymore!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I am definitely with you on this one (and I think almost every first time mom is too)! I wish so much I could go back and not stress. I do like having a routine, but will definitely start at like 6 months rather than newborn like I did with Jenna. I always think, why was I so crazy! Why didn't I just sleep with my baby on the beach all day long! Ha ha. You aren't alone :) But Brianna seems to be pretty great and JEnna too, so I think we did A-ok :)