Monday, March 17, 2014

Kite day!

I love it when Brianna notices the wind blowing hard and announces, "It's a KITE day!!"
Then we drop everything and grab the giant butterfly (killer yardsale find!) and get it up in the sky!
Utah wind isn't ideal for kite flying - not like typical coastline wind - constant and steady. This wind is freakish, coming and going sporadically. So we have to just take what we can get!

PS - I have to stay off Facebook today. It's St. Patrick's Day, and everyone is posting picture of all the cute holiday themed activities they're doing with their children. And I feel mama guilt for doing nothing but putting green shirts on them. It's not so simple to do typical St. Patrick's Day festivities when you don't believe in using conventional green food dye or giving crap to your kids to eat. That's no excuse - there are lots of healthy, fun holiday traditions I could be starting.  Maybe next year?!!

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