Saturday, January 28, 2012

And the early racing seasons begins...

Isn't this place crazy looking?! I think it used to be casino.
5K at Great Saltair this morning - so fun! Great weather, good course. I was 4th with 19:54. Hoping to have a good 2012 racing season! It might be helpful if I started actually running more than once a week... and sleeping more....Maybe I'll wait til 2013 to get back to racing.


Ioana said...

Man, you're fast! Congrats!!! When I can go back to exercising I won't tell you which races I'll sign on, so that I don't embarass myself too much!:)

Julie said...

you are super fast - way to go Chels! We just won't mention my time on my first 5k hahaha... oh boy that is embarrassing.

Laura said...

19:42 and only running once a week? Man, I was proud that *I* can run under 20 and I run as many miles a week now as I did in college. You are ridiculously awesome. Perhaps I should have twins? :)

Natalia said...

Is it just me, or is Saltair a bizarre venue?

Brittany said...

You will be proud of me...I am doing a half marathon and a Ragnar this year. Not bad for a non runner right???
You are SO FAST!!!