Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The photographer sent me a preview...

If only we could see Charity's face a little more, this one would be perfect!! I love the kids' action running. So REAL for them :)
I love Charity's face here! I'm excited to see what the photo looks like in full color. 

I have a love/hate with family pictures, for the obvious and usual reason: it's hard to get everyone ready and a little stressful to make sure they're all happy at the same time and for a solid 30 minutes or so.
Bribing usually has to be employed, which I don't like doing.
But to get a decent final product, it's worth it!
The twins get the gold star award - they were happy the whole time.
 It was Brianna who got a little sassy.
 But hopefully when we get the full CD this weekend,there will at least be a few usable ones!
Choosing to have the photoshoot at home was a great idea. I think it makes it so much easier.And it feels more REAL.  I'm totally not into all those pictures posing in front of some old barn or random fence or bridge. They're cute for sure... but so CONTRIVED. I wanted something more natural, less posed. But still cute, of course - I wouldn't want pictures TOO real.... like me in my sweat pants, kids in whatever random clothes they choose, house a mess, etc :) Now THAT would be real, but we want to at least pretend for a day that we've got it all together better than that. :)
The walking path pic above is right in our backyard park. Love that place. The reading pics are in our front room, and of course here we are are on our front porch!
Now I gotta attempt to make a decent Christmas card out of these and whatever else comes on that full disc....