Friday, November 9, 2018

Happy Charity and Sammy Day!

I love that these two sweeties share a birthday.  My Charity Samantha was born right before midnight on her Aunt Samantha's birthday 5 years ago!  Such an incredible day for us.
I'm so grateful for these two amazing spirits in my family and my day to day life. They both bring such joy to everyone around them. I'm grateful Sammy's mission on earth is still on going! She's the miracle girl! She's survived what people in far better physical condition than her would've succumbed to. I love every minute we get to spend with her - especially outside on walks!! How cool to still be able to do this in November.
My little Charity.... 5 years ago.  Bittersweet. Four years old is my favorite favorite favorite age. So much like a baby, with all the perks of decent self care skills.  I asked Charity to please stay 4 forever. She said she tried but couldn't help it - she turned 5. Whoops.  But that's ok. I've loved every stage of her sweet little life thus far and I can only imagine it keeps getting better.

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