Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 1

We survived our first week! In case these early days of twin parenting become a blur – like the first couple months of baby-Brianna have – I’d like to do a little update each week. Of course, this requires two hands to type, so it will have to be short. I don’t usually get more than 30 minutes of non-feeding time. And the non-feeding time is mostly taken up by diaper changes, clothing changes, and taking basic care of myself. Though honestly, this week I haven’t had to face that full reality very much because we’ve had my amazing mother here to rescue us. She was such a lifesaver. I miss having her here. Not just for the help, but because I really enjoyed someone to chat with all day long and share these sweet newborn-baby moments. And she was amazing with Brianna! So fun, yet not spoiling her at all. I'm relieved Brianna's reaction has been so positive. She loves her little siblings and jumps at opportunities to help them. She even shares her precious blanket! Having infants in the home has changed the atmosphere and spirit so much. It seems like we’re all just mesmerized by them and so anxious for their well-being. They’re kinda skinny and frail – I’m so nervous I’ll break them! I’m eager for them to pack on the pounds (and for me to lose them!)  so if they sleep longer than 3 hours I wake them up to eat. Easier said than done though. They both can nap pretty hard (and rarely at the same time). They already seem to be getting dependent on nursing to fall asleep. I’ll have to start some sort of bedtime routine and try to teach them to fall asleep on their own soon.  I just received the book I ordered – Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Twins. Hopefully that will have some good ideas.  Physically I’m doing SO much better. Feeling stronger everyday. I’m done with the pain meds and happy to say I made it through without ever filling the RXs they gave me.  I just do not believe that strong of medication doesn’t get through to the breast milk. And the last thing I need is dopey babies. My incision is still pretty sore, but I can get around just fine. The turning point was Thursday morning when we had an emergency-miracle. One of those real tender-mercy moments. Details are TMI but I know without a doubt I’m being watched over and blessed. More than I deserve.  These babies are more than I deserve. It’s so overwhelming to hold them both together and think about the miracle they are.  No matter what sleep deprivation torture I have to endure in the next few weeks/months/years, it’s so worth it.


Malerie said...

You've totally got this under control and that doesn't surprise me :) I'm so glad things are going well.

The Gilson Girls said...

I totally understand the feeling of being blessed with twins, and the feelings that you don't quite deserve it.
Just got back from our annual vacation with my cousin and her family. We have 5 kids between us, 2 sets of 7 year old twins and a 9 year old. I just look at them playing and think how incredible blessed and lucky we are.
Enjoy them!