Monday, August 16, 2010


Brianna loves to "pet" her siblings while they nap:

I'm not really into the whole co-sleeping thing... at least I thought I wasn't... but I'm in survival-mode. And this little co-sleeper we borrowed from Erika (THANKYOU!) is awesome. I don't have to worry about my hard-sleeper hubby rolling over onto them because of the little walls, and it keeps them close together which they seem to enjoy. And of course - they're right next to me for night feedings so I don't have to get out of bed. Now if they'd just start doing their 4 hour naps during the night instead of during the DAY, my eyelids wouldn't hurt so bad! 


Julie said...

i want to hug all three of them!

Marilyn said...

So sweet!

Unknown said...

That is so sweet that she "pets" them!
That is a great little device. I could have used one of those with Addi. I started beating the crap out of my husband one night just after I had my little villager. He rolled over and I thought he had rolled right on top of my baby. Turns out I was so tired that I forgot I had already put her back in her bassinet!

Ash said...

That is darling. I like the babies still like to cuddle with each other. I tried co sleeping a few times but could never get any sleep because I was too aware. I moved my boy out of my room and into his own room at 2mo and we both slept better from that point on.

Toni Tralala said...

Oh wow! She's so sweet! :) That co-sleeping tool seems to work well. I hope you'll get to catch up on sleep soon!