Friday, October 22, 2010

Pink marshmallow with salt

I love putting my kids in ridiculous outfits:
This one-piece outfit is about 2 inches thick with fluffy cotton. I call it the pink marshmallow.

This is what was said by miss Brianna while I was changing Courtney: "why can't you keep your pants clean Courtney? Why? WHY? I just want you to keep your pants CLEAN." [in a very dramatic voice]
"I put salt on you and I eat you yumyum!"  [no idea where she got that. I promise we don't joke about eating our kids. At least not with salt on them.]


Allison said...

Your cute marshmallow is looking less like a newborn and more like an infant. : )

Debbie said...

I have heard YOU say, "I just want to EAT you" about your children!