Monday, October 18, 2010

Family Night, Brianna-style

I got smacked with the guilt-bat when I read this quote recently:
"I wonder if having unplanned and infrequent family home evenings will be enough to fortify ourselves and our children with sufficient moral strength to meet the complexities of our day." --James E. Faust  
The answer to that is a big fat NO. And the answer to whether or not our little family has regular, planned Family Nights is NO.  We've been on and off with it throughout the years. Mostly off. I justify our laziness, thinking we'll be better when the kids are older and can participate more. But what are the odds that we'll suddenly be good FHEers if we don't make it a habit now? So we're trying. The current game plan is to sing a song (Brianna knows almost all the words to Families Can Be Together Forever), then choose a basic gospel topic and have a discussion about it on Brianna's level. Last week was prayer. Our conversation last just a couple minutes, but I think it was productive. She announced at the end, "Bennett NEEDS to pray!"   Yes, yes he does... that sinful little diaper-waster.

Tonight's topic was Jesus.
 "To fathers and mothers, to grandfathers and grandmothers, and to those without children of their own who lovingly nurture children and youth, my counsel is to speak more frequently about Jesus Christ. In His holy name is great spiritual power. 'There [is] no other name given nor any other way. . . whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ' (Mosiah 3:17)." --Neil L. Andersen

Here are some highlights from the conversation:
Me: Brianna, who is Jesus Christ?
Brianna: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I go nursery. I play with Sienna.
Me: Jesus is Heavenly Father's Son
Brianna: No it's dark now. Sun gone.
Brian: Brianna, when we do bad things, Jesus forgives us.
Brianna: I say sorry and not go time-out.
Me: Yes! Because of Jesus, we don't have to go to time-out forever. If he didn't die for us, we would go to timeout forever!
Brianna: Jesus die like Beast!  [she recently watched Beauty and the Beast]
Me: And Jesus came back to life just like the Beast did!
Brianna: It was raining. We can't go swing.
Brian: Jesus is our brother.
Brianna: No Bennett my brudder! Courtney my sister.
Me: Jesus was nice to everyone, even people that weren't nice to him. Can you try to be like Jesus and be nice to everyone?
Brianna: I hit Daddy.

Maybe we should've just ended after the song.


Unknown said...

This is really funny. One thing that has worked well for us is the nursery manual. it's not expensive like $5 and has kid friendly lessons. There is a coloring page and a picture for visual aid with every lesson! We bought the manual so we could use the pictures, but we print the coloring pages from the online manual. I highly recommend this. My 3 yr old like to sit and "read" this manual.

Julie said...

i love how real you are !

Melanie said...

LOVE it! LOVE it! LOVE it! What a personality! great job for trying! Don't give up! I remember being there.... but You'll be amazed in about 6 months with what she'll respond!

Sally Jackson said...

your blog always makes me laugh--like out loud and genuine. love it! that briannaa has an awesome spirit!

Debbie said...

Hilarious! Keep writing down those dialogues.