Tuesday, September 21, 2010

funny or gross?

When I came into the bathroom and saw this scene, I told Brian to stop playing with toys in the potty. He didn't think I was funny. So I just thanked him for taking care of Brianna's latest quirk.

While on the subject of bathrooms and toilets, we also discovered this scene recently:
Classic, I know. It's the one time I've been glad we buy the cheap toilet paper. If we just have one 2yr old's antics driving us nuts... what's going to happen in a couple years when we have TWO 2yr olds messing with our bathrooms?!?!


DeAnne said...

Oh dear! Definitely funny =)

Julie said...

ya i would say funny too!

Unknown said...

I am going with funny, just because I didn't have to clean it up! :)

Becky and Brian said...

We can't keep the toilet paper out anymore because Dean loves to do what Brianna did in the picture. I am glad he is not the only one that likes to make a mess in the bathroom.

Lisa-Lou-Who said...

funny and gross. Good thing your toilet was so clean. ;)

valmike said...

Can I have "Gross" for $200 Alex? Eryn's Mermaid Barbie was the first and only thing so far to go for a swim in the porcelin pool. So far...