Saturday, June 20, 2009

Yardsale result: a whopping $45. I blame poor advertising and cool weather. But the net total of all 3 yardsales in the past 2 months is like $430. And the best part - several truckloads less of STUFF!


Jenny said...

You profit from your used crap and then complain about it.

You could always donate to DI and say it was worth $10,000 and write it off on your taxes. Dave

chelsea mckell said...

Hey Wangster - it's not profiting when I make $45 for 8 hours of labor. I'd make more money selling ocean-front property in AZ to YOU.
And I'm not going to falsify information to the IRS. Then I'd end up in jail next to you when they finally arrest you for your nightly hustling.

Mandy said...

Well that is sad that you only made $45 . . . and I'm glad to hear you are above lying to the IRS!! :)