Monday, June 8, 2009


These shirts are all the rage in Vernal (yeah, so I haven't finished the Vernal posts yet) There are bumper stickers and banners all over the town with this "I [heart] drilling" logo. They have rallies with all the oil-related workers where they curse the evil environmentalists. It's pretty extreme. I have to do my recycling at night time for fear of my life.

But I got Brian this shirt for his birthday a couple weeks ago because he loves it. To him it represents all the money he made off those oil company execs who didn't blink an eye at his inflated car rental prices.
We also got one for his dad for father's day, because he's a dentist (get it?)


debbieandstevefamily said...

If you were still in Vernal, I would have you get one for Brady. He will be a bonifide dentist soon.

DeAnne said...

that's pretty funny

Lisa said...

That's a good t-shirt for dentist...Chris needs one :-)