Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Best (mormoncoupleswithkids) party game ever

Parties games are so different these days than they used to be BC (before children). Can't be long or involve a lot of thinking, explaining, concentrated effort...
So this one is perfect!  And worked out really well last night when we got together with 5 other families and our BBQ was rained out. The kids ran around inside, and we had dull get-to-know-you conversation until I busted out the pens and paper and informed everyone they needed to cooperate with me.
I don't know the name of this game but I love it.
It's like Telephone but in pictures and writing.
Everyone has a piece of paper and writes a sentence at the top. Any sentence describing any scene. Then everyone passes their paper to the next person who has to draw a picture of that scene. Then they pass it to the next person after folding over and hiding the sentence. Next person has to write what they see in the scene. Next person illustrates. Next person writes. All previous writings are folded over and hidden. At the end you hopefully get something like this:
First sentence: "My knee hurts when I run"
Picture:  girl with knee pain, and arrows to girl running
Next sentence describing above photo, without seeing first sentence:  "Macarena"
Next pic:  two people  with music notes above their heads wearing Mexican party clothes.
Next sentence: "The mustached gentleman wearing a sombrero danced with the most beautiful girl at the fiesta."
Next pic, depicting above sentence.
Next sentence: "The Mexican hairy cowboy hugged the female from Planet of the Apes."
Next pic, depicting above sentence.
Final sentence  (remember, we started with "my knees hurt when I run fast.")   "Chinese man with lanterns on his hat swings Planet of the Apes girl around."


Malerie said...

What a fun game! I'm going to have to try that one sometime. One of my favorites since college is "what if" where everyone writes a what if question at the top of the paper, you mix them up and pass them around and the people answer the questions below the question. Then you mix them up again, pass them out and one person reads their what if statement - "What if Chelsea gave up running forever..." and the person sitting next to them reads the answer on their page which is totally random but funny enough usually sounds hilarious as an answer. anyway...you got to get creative with no booze at our parties, right? :)

Unknown said...

This is our favorite game! Tellestrations is the commercial version of it. We got it on amazon. Funniest game ever!