Wednesday, March 3, 2010

a suuunBEAM

Brian and I got to sub teach for a primary class for the past couple weeks. Not the sunbeams - one year above that (thank goodness! Sunbeams scare me). I was kinda dreading it, because I've never done this and had no idea what to expect.
But - I LOVED IT! These kids were so great - they loved the stories I told them, they answered questions amazingly well, they worked so hard on the art/craft projects we did.... and it was much less prep work and pressure than teaching RS, as I do on the 2nd Sunday of every other month (weird calling, I know. But I also am the pianist, so I feel a little more useful). Ultimately, I still think I prefer to be in RS than Primary. But this was really good for me - I vow to do a better job at thanking Brianna's nursery leaders and primary teachers in the future.


Unknown said...

That is too funny! I would totally take Primary over Relief Society any day of the week! Though, I do have to admit that when you teach primary you are molding young innocent minds vs. the relief society women who think they know everything (at least in my world they do)! and that is kind of intimidating!

thelivesofthebradyfamily said...

Thank you again for teaching our class! I'm glad the kids were good for you. They are good just gets a little out of hands sometimes when you have 9 four year olds. I love this calling though!