Tuesday, March 9, 2010


You'd be tempted to feel sorry for her with that sad little face. But if you saw her crazy behavior during church services, you would agree she deserved this timeout!
I have no idea what to do. We bring a bag full of toys/games/snacks... and it lasts maybe 20-30 minutes, if we're lucky. So what happens for the remainder of the 70 minute service? Craziness. She's crawling over the pews, under the pews, constantly attempting escape, shouting AMEN along with the speaker (testimony meeting can get pretty funny), stealing toys from nearby kids, rearranging hymn books...
The worst was about a month ago, when she successfully escaped and made it all the way to the front - like up the stairs, behind the speaker, behind the organ... we just sat there, totally frozen - wondering if it was more distracting to wait for her to come down herself, or to send Brian up to retrieve her. Then a well-meaning but inconsiderate lady in the ward decided she would "help" us and go up there to get Brianna. So of course Brianna just screamed (laughing scream) and ran away from her. By this point I had told Brian that Brianna was his, and I'd be out in the hall waiting to inflict punishment on the wayward toddler. Truth is, I was just beyond embarrassed and couldn't stand to watch anymore. I'm not sure how they got her down and out, but when she was finally handed to me she got the longest timeout of her life. After church, I had a couple dozen (not joking) people come up to me and thank us for the entertainment. They said Brianna's antics were the best part of the meeting. It was somewhat comforting, but I'd still rather have her just sit on my lap reading a book for 70 minutes. Is that too much to ask?! Or maybe they should start having nursery during sacrament meeting too. Brianna would actually love a full 3 hour nursery (not being sarcastic - she absolutely loves nursery and has never had any problems during it).
In Brianna's defense, church is at the worst time possible - right during her usual nap. So she's totally wired-tired.
I felt better the next week when another little two year old ran up there and did a little piano solo before his furious parents retrieved him. At least we're not alone.
What do/did YOU do with your two year old during church meetings??


Me and Lily said...

Don't know if this would make you feel better, but I remember when a little two year old "streaked" (yep, absolutely naked) up to the front where his dad was singing in the choir! His dad was the epitomy of calm - just left his singing, scooped up his son (bum out!) and marched right out.

Tia Langston said...

Since I'm flying solo at church these days, I usually recruit a friend to help. They either sit behind or in front of me and the kids and are so great when I need to pass a child off to them. Great friends are sooo important when you have little ones.

Tia Langston said...

Oh, and these friend recruits always have new and different toys/books/etc from what we have, so the kids enjoy it.

Unknown said...

We have to actually bring a piece of bread for us or the passing of the sacrament can get really loud. Weird I know, but how do you stop a 2 1/2 year old from only taking one tiny morsal of bread? Also, church helps if Randy is there. If he isn't, then it can become very loud in the sacrament hall. I don't know what magic tricks Randy has, but somehow, he can keep her totally entertained. (Also, we {I} tell her that if she isn't quiet and behave then she won't be able to go to nursery and play with the playdough - I'm a mean mom!)

Jordan and Crystal said...

i wish daniel would sit on my lap now...He lasts about 20 mins then out in the hall...i wish we had nursery...i feel so unspiritual now...church is not fun....i hope someday it will be again

Marilyn said...

I just endured and it all got better by the time they turned three. I did have one shy child (Natalie) who stuck to me like glue in the meeting and wasn't a problem. Your friends are right, however, about the entertainment quality of the kids! It perks up a boring meeting.

Unknown said...

A few things we do:
No toys. we have notebooks to color in and stickers (get a jumbo pack of little ones for just a couple bucks). my kids love the stickers and they only get them during sacrament meeting so they are special. we have a few file folder games that are magnetic not velcro (too noisy). they also get a snack and books. My girls are pretty good, no escaping, but we still have our moments in the hall. We've also had several FHE's on being reverent in sacrament and practicing sitting still and folding arms, looking at pictures of other kids doing the same thing. SOrry this was a lot. hope it helps.

Unknown said...

I was still thinking about this post and I was going to mention just like The Ertel's said that we have special books and coloring books that are ONLY for sacrament meeting. That way it isn't just the same old thing that she is getting to play with. Anyway, just an idea.

DCRomney 2010 said...

Thanks for sharing all the good AND BAD. I like real moms! You never fail to crack me up!
Oh, and I have no secrets - some weeks he's great, some its a challenge - just be comforted knowing everyone goes through it and makes it out alive :)

DeAnne said...

OK. I cackled very loudly at that first comment as well as your post. It really is funny. I have no tips...yet. Katelyn has been easy on me. Alaina could be a different story. I also agree with Crystal, I struggle with feeling unspiritual. It's hard to listen sometimes. So, anyway, at least she wasn't naked.

Ashley said...

I can also really relate to this post, sacrament meeting is a joke for us these days, Alli runs up and sits up at the piano and tries to play. People hand her toys and she yells...NO, I NO LIKE THAT TOY! We usually sit in the overflow...they have that here, you can still see and hear the speakers, but you are in a separate room behind the chapel.