Thursday, November 21, 2019


Got the kids to bed at a decent time so I'm up only semi-late working on computer projects (fam calendar time!). And who comes wandering up the stairs?! My half-asleep half-baby. During the day she's a big girl. At night... she turns right back into that tiny little ball of joy I brought home from the hospital in November 2013. I remember so clearly just plopping down in bed and scooping her up next to me. Forget the bassinet. This was baby #4, I knew what worked - cosleeping. She snuggled into me and has been there ever since. Her little body just melds into mine as she sleeps. Even as she's gotten older and moved into her own beds... she often wakes up and wanders into ours. Like a sleepy sneaky little ninja. Luckily brian loves it just as much as I do.
We know she won't do this forever. We've gotta enjoy it while we can. And we do!

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