Friday, September 21, 2018

Church with the prophet, President Nelson!

Once in a lifetime experience!! 💛🙏💛🙏
Pays to have connections - Dave found out President Nelson, his wife plus President Eyring would be attending his ward!! 
So it was kinda top secret and we couldn’t tell anyone, so it wouldn’t get too crowded...
Gosh it was amazing. 
The spirit in that room was so strong. 
I can’t imagine any one not walking away with a rock solid testimony that President Nelson is the Lord’s prophet on the earth today.  
I shared a pic of the program on Facebook (where I rarely post anything, but this was THAT big of a deal) with the caption: “just an average Sunday program...”!!! 
It was super fun having a few hundred friends share in my excitement 😄
Someone asked what was said. 
I responded: “I’ve got all kinds of notes, but you know what I’m walking away with....the phrase from the New Testament, “Did not our hearts burn within us?”  
The Spirit in that room was indescribable. 
But to better answer your question... President Eyring spoke of his upbringing in NJ and how the Lord can use  people from unlikely circumstances to do His work, if we’re just listening and willing. 
Sister Nelson shared insights on how her husband receives revelation. 
She also helped us realize how he teaches: he encourages and exhorts, never tries to force or say “must.” He simply invites. 
And President Nelson did what I imagine the Savior would do if he were in our church service...he opened the scriptures and simply TAUGHT. 
Then offered us a blessing. 
We stood and sang as he exited, shaking hands with all the youth as he went. 
There wasn’t a dry eye in the room.”

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