Friday, April 17, 2015

Happy Birthday Dad!

For those who haven't had the privilege of meeting my father, lemme tell ya a little about him
 That's all.
But if I were to expound a bit on that....
My Dad is a ROCK. He's the kind of guy you'd want to be stuck with in a natural disaster, because he'd take care of everything while staying calm.
 He works HARD... and plays hard too! Wanna go skiing, biking, hiking, or jump off a cliff into the lake? He's your guy!
He's strong - not only physically, but spiritually. No one doubts his testimony of the gospel is solid.
 The only non-rock attribute he possesses is the tendency to get a little sentimental/emotional in the right situation. :)
 My Dad is generous. He has done so much for so many - myself most definitely included.
He has weathered a LOT of storms in his life - I'm sure more than I even know. And he's come out stronger.
My Dad is an exemplary human being and I'm so very grateful to have him.

For his birthday gift, we couldn't throw him a party since the poor guy got coerced into an Oahu trip.
Rough place to have a birthday, right?!
So we decided to spend an evening doing some yardwork for him.
 The kids put on their gloves and started digging out the noxious weeds. They worked hard! Except Charity. She just wandered around saying, "papa? Papa? PAAAAPPPAAA?"  (she's kindof obsessed with him)

Then we used a homemade weed killer (vinegar + salt! It works!) on the patio cracks.
 And THEN.... we accidentally set off the house alarm and ADT dispatched police to their home and called my Dad, giving him a minor heart attack. Whoops.
Sorry Dad.

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