Thursday, June 20, 2013

Out of Brianna's Mouth Lately.... +Courtney & Bennett!

"Everyone at Church just talks about Jesus. They don't talk about ME. They must not like me."

"Courtney is so demanding. Let's call her Courtney Demandy-pants"."

"Mom, be sure you chew your food in tiny bites. So the baby in your tummy doesn't choke."
"I'm so glad you're my mom. Cuz I wouldn't want to have NO mom!"

"Everyday I see a girl that I LOVE.  Guess who it is.  It's CHELSEA!"

"Mom, Courtney and Bennett have been freaking rude!"

"Mom, you should thank me. I distracted the babies with Rapunzel and now they're being quiet!"

"Why, WHY would you try to put me to bed?! It's all Springy and pretty outside!"

"I'm glad Nonny took care of you so you could be my mommy and take care of me."

"Courtney, you look like a Mexican!"

-"I your majesty. You caw me, 'yes your majesty!' "

-"Hey GUYS! I have a idea! Let's play a GAME!!!"
-"Watch out for the MOUNTAIN!!!"  [as we're driving East sortof towards the hillside]

1 comment:

summer said...

your kiddos are hilarious, adorable and so fun all rolled into three amazing kids. That first comment reminds of a book I used to have about little children's prayers - hysterical but so do you not laugh at her all the time?!