Saturday, December 24, 2011


Just the thought of surviving a two hour flight with two toddlers and a preschooler on Christmas Eve made had me on the verge of an anxiety attack for weeks prior to this trip. But it ended up not being so bad.
Kept them totally under control on the flight. Ha.
Seriously, it helped to have them dressed cute. It elicited much more sympathy than if they had been in their usual frazzled state. And the bags of new little toys/snacks/books I packed were a lifesaver. They didn't care at all for the DVD I thought they'd watch, since they couldn't hear it. Honestly one of my biggest fears was GERMS. I'm not a germaphobe really - I totally believe in the 5 second rule. Sometimes it turns into the 5 hour rule. But airplanes... gross. Even the air we're breathing is contaminated with strangers who've been who-knows-where. And those nasty front-seat pockets... never get cleaned, but get touched by everyone. Tray tables, bathrooms, the SEATS... which of course my kids were eating their crumbs off of when they dropped their snacks. Ew. But it's allll worth it for a Christmas vacation! Having a fabulous time here.

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