Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Courtney in walker with toys

Don't call CPS on me... it's not an actual walker. We took the wheels off, so it's stationary.
I know the walkers with wheels are outlawed. But seriously... shouldn't the parents who allowed their babies to be in wheeled walkers at the top of staircases be the ones in trouble, not the baby gear companies?! C'mon...whatever happened to accountability, personal responsibility, attentiveness... *sigh* 

Then again, Bennett rolled himself off the couch and bumped his head yesterday when I was changing Courtney's diaper ten feet away from him.
So maybe CPS should be called.
My children will be lucky to survive into adulthood - seriously.
I try to make up for my inattentive parenting with toys. Notice Courtney with her new pals - Winnie the Pooh in a leopard suit, a purple My Little Pony, and a blue bunny. Her and Bennyboy are just now starting to enjoy baby toys. It's fun to hand them various objects and see them study and investigate it.
The end.

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