Thursday, April 1, 2010

My little fooler

When I find her asleep like this, looking so cuddly, cute, sweet and innocent...
I have to remember that she's only tired because she expended all her energy breaking stuff:A cracked dinner plate, a snapped picture frame, a busted birthday crown, a shattered Jesus statue, broken Hawaii fridge magnets, ripped flashcards, and a demolished Cootie box.
All in a day's work.
Thank goodness for super glue.
Though this could've been prevented if my April Fool's Day trick on her was to use the superglue to secure her fingers to the floor...


Jules AF said...

oops, i meant innocent LOOKING baby haha.

summer said...

that is great - I was telling Bryson recently that children aren't really expensive...until they break things!! True right?!

Debbie said...

I'm starting to put away things NOW!

Lisa-Lou-Who said...

She and Adele must have come from the same mold. Only Adele rarely naps now.