Thursday, September 28, 2017

Brianna took this photo on not-her phone!

I'm really impressed she took the initiative to pull out the phone and snap a photo of this gorgeous scene! My little nature aficionado. 
And when I say "THE" phone... I don't mean HER phone... she doesn't have a phone. I do. I have an extra one. That does with her in her backpack/purse when she's at school and extracurriculars or staying home with Charity while I'm taking the twins to piano, or holding down the fort for the 15 minutes between when I have to leave for YW and Brian is running late getting home.... the list goes on. I just got tired of not having a way to directly contact her, and she was scared not having that with me. I was due for an upgrade on my phone anyway... so I activated my now old-phone with a phone number and everything.  Oye. It starts! But it's not as bad as some parents make it out to be. We've had zero issues so far. Wi-fi is disabled. So it's just basically a texting and calling device that costs me $1/day. So worth it for the convenience and security. 

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