Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bennett's scripture study

Since we moved here, we've been pretty solid on daily family scripture study. For the first time ever, pretty much. 
We went in phases over the years of doing it, then not. But now we are on the ball and have been for over a year. It's not much - just a few verses each, each night...but it's better than nothing!
Brianna reads great, but the twins aren't quite there yet. So they repeat after us, or just sit and hold the scriptures in their lap.
Lately, Bennett has been asking for HIS turn to read....solo, no help.
And what comes out of his mouth is hilarious. I need to video it. Just a mashup of all the scripture phrases, plus whatever he makes up...."it came to pass that all the children said, hi Jesus, we love you. Please share some toys, " "And thus, Nephi and Noah went on a walk and saw lots of Lamanites on the ark."
It's fantastic. Love this boy.  Amen!

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