Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Most people probably think of SAHMs running errands everyday with a minivan full of kids.
But that is definitely not what i do.
Well, i do have a minivan full of kids...
But i hate errands. I dread them. I avoid them at all costs.
I've lived here for 9 months and never stepped foot in Target, Walmart, Home Depot, etc.  I do all banking electronically. I shop online. I consolidate grocery trips and limit that to mostly Fred Meyer. I've learned that its just not worth the headache!
I'm a homebody and I'm ok with that.
But today...TODAY...I broke my streak.
We needed a new toilet tank. Brians outta town. I had nothing super pressing to justify putting this off any longer.
So i loaded up the crazies and took care of biz.
So excited i found that big flashlight at the bottom of the photo for $4.97! Bam. Totally got "emergency preparedness" checked off the to-do list (the one that doesn't exist cuz I'm not Type A).
THEN while we were out i thought...what the heck, let's go to Target! That's where moms are supposed to hang out all day, right? Right....
But i had some gift cards sitting in my purse for over a year. No joke.
So we used them! On buying a new tablet for the kids! (the last one met its death a couple weeks was depressing. Don't wanna re-live it right now). And the twins picked out $1 gifts for Brianna's bday. And i found a new wallet (it's only been 9 years since i bought a new i jumping the gun?!) ha.
And that's the end of my errand-running saga. Stay tuned in a few more months when i dare to venture out again!

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