Friday, September 26, 2014

School surprise

On the way home from the gym I looked at the clock and realized we'd be going right by Brianna's school while she was starting lunch.
I impulsively decided to just stop on by and join her!
Her face when she saw me.... that made my day.
My year.
She was SO sincerely, genuinely delighted.
I can't imagine her being any more excited if we had told her she was going to Disneyland or something.
The twins loved it - they went and got their trays like little pros.
Brianna's friends were in shock - they thought it was so cool that Brianna's mom came, and brought 3 "little kids" along!
I better enjoy this while I can, right?!
I can only imagine that it won't be long before she won't be so delighted to have me join her at school lunch....
It was over all too soon.  They only get 20 minutes for lunch!
But we went out to recess with her too.
Which was insane. All those children are WILD! Pure chaos out there.  I don't think I could handle working in a public school setting.
Side note... I keep debating between paying for school lunch or packing from home. Which is more cost-effective, healthier, etc. 

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