Sunday, June 23, 2013

LLL Spring Workshop

My friend and fellow La Leche League Leader Timbra just posted these pics from our Spring Workshop so I thought I'd share. I'm not sure why I'm making the lovely face in the middle left pic, but likely because I was sitting in the same spot in the lowerlower right for like 2 hrs straight. I get a little cwaaaazy sitting that long.
I love our semi-annual LLL workshops. They're for all the Leaders in Utah (plus a little WY and ID). These women are amazing. All busy moms, but make time to volunteer their time and resources to help other mothers needing assistance with breastfeeding. In centuries past, women received support for feeding their babies from their sisters/mothers/aunts in their communities. Nowadays, women don't often have that support. So we re-create that with La Leche League. It's mother-to-mother support. Except these lactation helpers have the real info. The research, the tools, the common sense. I love learning from them. April was my one-year anniversary of becoming an official Leader. I've come so far since then and realize I have SO much more to learn. This workshop focused on the usual - updates from the individual groups (I'm part of the Salt Lake group, but would love to start one in Davis County, since the next closest group is in Ogden), Communications training, cont. ed. opportunities, etc. Then the loooong training on Ankyloglossia (aka tongue tie/maxillary ties) from Karin and Susan, our IBCLC/LLL Leaders (and likely the most brilliant lactation consultants on the planet). Very eye-opening for me, and I now shudder at all the tongue tie issues I now realize I came across in the past and wasn't experienced enough to spot. And made me go home and immediately assess my own family. Bennett - nope. Brian - nope. Brianna - major upper lip tie (causing her front teeth gap). Courtney - posterior tongue tie. Which explains why she usually nursed twice as long as Bennett and caused such pain in the beginning. If I were to work in Lactation, I think I'd prefer to be a WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor versus an IBCLC. I love, love, love helping moms... but IBCLCs deal with all the crazy complex cases. But I like the everyday stuff - especially working to dispel common bf myths. We'll see if I ever do more than just volunteering. It took me 2 hours just to write this post, since I had to get up 5000 times to help someone with something. What makes me think I can make time for anything else?! :)


Sally Jackson said...

Sounds like a great workshop! So happy you are enjoying your volunteer work!

Melanie said...

I wish I knew about your expertise on this subject when I had Carson. I needed some major help!

Jan said...

Oh my gosh Chelsea - give me a call 509 466-3434!!

Melissa said...

I am amazed at all that you are able to do, even with your three little ones. I will always be so thankful to the specialist that helped me out with nursing Jenna. I had such a rough start but those times feeding and cuddling her are some of my favorite memories with her as a baby.